About the Company
Our company has a management and manufacturing as well as continuously improving itself. It closely follows the technological developments that can best meet the needs of the times to the needs of the customers. Our immediate future goal is to be the dominant company of the modular lightweight industry. Having the ability to do business in various regions of the world, our company has the ability to represent our country in the best way abroad.
Our Company's Target
The priority is always on quality and will always keep the customer's attention. Expert personnel in the field will work and will try to move the contemporary production technology further every day. Being a leading steel company in Turkey is our company's primary objective.
Our quality policy
- Our business partners give the best quality and fastest service,
- To work in compliance with legal regulations,
- To take up environmental and human rights,
- To continuously monitor and increase customer satisfaction,
- To contribute to the awareness of our employees and their career development,
- To ensure the satisfaction of our employees,
- To maintain and maintain the trustworthy and honest image of our company formed in our business partners,
- That is our quality policy.